Dont sit on
thorns for long
Your sense of self-worth and your belief in your capability dies if you are around a toxic person for long.
I recently came across a professional relationship that ended on bitter terms.
I wanted to put my perspective on how to deal with such situations.
I have observed that you give away your power by believing what others say. The crucial point is that you feel bad when you are around this person.
In those cases, you must take steps to ensure you stop the harm.
Few of the things that I noticed in this situation are,
âSnide remarks about you and other people in your circle
âDiscounting thoughts and opinions
âNothing you do is good enough
âBlaming others for all their problems rather than taking responsibility for their own choices
The only good news is you are the one who can do something about it if you have a toxic relationship around you.
To overcome this, here are some things you can try.
âMake a list of the Positive Aspects of the person – This technique helps you to shift your focus. If you only focus on their negative aspects, your life will be unpleasant when you are around them.
âGet perspective – by working with a neutral person who has no plan for you and the relationship with the other person. The key here is that this isn’t about creating for yourself a pity party (acting like a victim).
âTake Responsibility – A part of you allows the behaviors to happen and continue to happen. Ask yourself why are you allowing this to happen?
âSet Boundaries. Let the other person know what they can and cannot do around you. Describe quite accurately what the person is doing and your expectations for the future.
âKeep Working On Yourself – Improving your mindset and emotional capability.
âEnd the Relationship – If, after trying all of the above and nothing changes, then it is time you walk away from the relationship.
You may be thinking
âĶïļit’s not that easy!
âĶïļI can’t walk away from my job due to financial security etc.
However, if the relationship does have all the characteristics of a toxic relationship, and you have accepted responsibility for your part, and exhausted all avenues of moving it into something more healthy, then ask yourself,
What do you value most? What are your anchorsâ?
Financial security, or mental, emotional, and spiritual health?
Imagine yourself as an older adult, and looking back on life, do you think you will regret trading your soul for whatever insecurities you carry today?
If so, then have the courage to move on and faith that something better will come to you. Your life clock is ticking; only be around people who uplift you and make your life journey an incredible journey.
Dont sit on thorns for long.