Navigating From Turmoil To Tranquility
Sometimes an exciting transformation can come from one’s circle of acquaintances; in this case, it was one of my classmates from my teenage years, Mr. Sudarshan.
Despite our previous acquaintance well before he joined my “Mindfulness and Mental Fitness Program – The X factor for Leadership Success,” I could not help with his issues, given his natural hesitancy to open up about his troubles facing.
He was going through significant emotional turmoil owing to his father’s death and subsequent family issues.
The resultant turmoil created a turbulent emotional situation for him, with emotional outbursts, uncontrolled rage, lack of sleep, general anxiety, and other issues leading to even potential usage of medical aids 💊to get even a bit of sleep.
Perhaps the natural skepticism of individuals, especially opening up about their emotional stability via third-party intervention, was acting as a barrier🚧
On top of this, he was skeptical of joining the program, even when I strongly recommended the same to him when I learned about his situation. However, once he was on board, his resistance melted away as we delved into the concepts, exercises, discussions, and sessions.
The enthusiasm of Sudarshan was akin to a student 🧑🎓who was eager to absorb as much as possible to make himself better!
Post the completion of the program; there were some key outcomes worthy of mentioning are

- Sleep: As mentioned earlier, the participant had trouble sleeping even for a few hours at a stretch, even with the help of sedatives. He was going to sleep at odd hours of 3-4 am! Post the program, and after adopting the exercises and techniques he learned, he is now able to calm down and go to sleep within a few minutes. This has a positive trickle-down effect across the board, with a good night’s sleep a trigger for emotional stability throughout the day!
- Emotional stability: Sudarshan was in constant emotional upheaval, with continuous outbursts and, more importantly, staying in that heightened emotional state for a long time after any interaction/episode, sometimes as much as 24 Hours! Now, however, he reported that even if some such episode or interaction happens, he can get it in control under 30mns and is even able to laugh at the same after some time.
- Acceptance & Gratitude: A famous prayer goes, “God, give me the courage to change things I can, and the serenity to accept things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference,” which exemplifies the journey so far of Sudarshan. From dwelling too much on other people’s shortcomings and not being grateful enough to appreciate his life, he has become much more accepting of other people’s mistakes. He is also more grateful for whatever he has been given in life!
- Family: The acceptance of others’ shortcomings, gratitude, and ability to control one’s emotional well-being have helped him handle his relations with his family. This, again, has had the impact of improving his emotional well-being even in his professional environment.
Carrying intentions without matching actions results in you being “in tension.”
Observing his transformation from this program has been encouraging and gratifying, proving that outcomes are guaranteed if one is dedicated to actions with intentions.
I had an opportunity to celebrate his success story with him through this 45-second video.
I am so glad that Sudarshan allowed me to access his journey from absolute turmoil to a relative state of tranquillity.
If you would like to learn more about this program, click on Details.